digitag(曼联球迷)@ HandsOfSugar(未知主队球迷):噫~老哥口味独特啊。(Ahhh I see you are a gentleman of taste.)
harshmangat(曼联球迷):这本特克打字还非得看键盘。(Benteke that type of dude who cannot type without looking at the keyboard.)
ecchi_yajur(切尔西球迷):原来我们的莫拉塔是看着键盘都会摁错键。(Morata at Chelsea the type of dude who mistypes even looking at the keyboard.)
Stooperz(切尔西球迷):只有看切尔西的比赛才能让我在最后二十分钟菊花一直保持紧绷。(Is it even a Chelsea game if my asshole isnt clenched for the last 20mins?)
ChimneyCraft(巴西球迷):我的更紧,给我菊花里放一块煤我能保证比赛结束后还你一块钻石。(Put a coal up my ass and I guarantee you its a diamond due to how tight it was clinched.)
garethconner2(未知主队球迷):我有一个大胆的想法……(So you're saying there's a chance..?)
PrincessXxXDiana(国米球迷):但是可交换?(but is he swappable?)
Hendrik-Cruijff(巴萨球迷):我不喜欢这个话题的走向……(I don’t like where this is going...)
HacksawJimDGN(未知主队球迷):次日报纸标题“巴萨将18名一线队成员列入可交易名单”。(tomorrow's headline BARCELONA PUT 18 PLAYERS FROM THEIR FIRST TEAM SQUAD ON THE TRANSFER LIST.)
利物浦 1-1 伯恩利
MilkyLikeCereal(博尔顿球迷):大部分主教练:我得阻止他,免得捅出什么篓子。渣叔:我得凑近点看看。(Most managers: I better stop this in case he gets in trouble. Klopp: I’m going closer to watch.)
ZionEmbiid(热刺球迷):这也就是冠军稳了,否则渣叔……(Klopp would be if the title wasn't decided.)
SalahsFro(利物浦球迷):防守型中场右路起球,左边后卫头球破门,嗯,这很利物浦。(Curled header by a left back, from the right wing, assisted by a CDM.)
MEGAMAN2312(阿森纳球迷):在公园踢野球的人群里总有一个这样的家伙。(There's always that one guy at the park that does this.)
OfficialGloryHunter(哈德斯菲尔德球迷):这就是不看球盘带吧。(Was that the look away dribble?)