
时间:2020-08-28 12:01       来源: 五星体育

五星体育8月26日讯 今天的七夕必定取昔日 分歧 ,假如 实的梅西出奔巴萨,对付 巴萨球迷去道,他们心中的这份“永久”大概 会有多少分摇动 。去一路 瞅瞅外洋 网友的七夕批评 吧。


Please juventus make my childhood dreams a reality.

Get messi and ronaldo on the same team




What if Juventus buys Messi,it'll be the dream of every football fan to watch Ronaldo and Messi play together

假如 尤文购下梅西咋整?

这将是圆了全部 念瞅梅罗联脚人的梦


We need to see Messi and Ronaldo play together. Just one season.



The Old Lady needs to do the right and make footballing history. Messi x Ronaldo.

老太婆 要干面功德 并发明 脚坛汗青 。梅西携手 C罗


Messi and Ronaldo probably playing together before they retire



Ronaldo on pens and Messi on Free kicks

C罗卖力 面球,梅西卖力 随意率性 球


We deserve this. Messi and Ronaldo need to play with each other at least once.

梅罗应当 为了球迷们起码 联脚一次


Messi and Ronaldo be like Naruto and sasuke...



Messi and Ronaldo fanboys if they link up at Juve



Imagine them getting kicked out of the Champions League knockouts and the confusion on who to blame for it that would start among the CR7 and Messi stans

试念一下,假如 他们正在欧冠中被镌汰 了,这到时刻 该怪谁呢


Ronaldo and Messi vs Neymar and Mbappe in CL final? The world would actually explode


引爆齐天下 的对于决


La Liga officials looking for who will buy their TV rights without Messi and Ronaldo

西甲民圆如今 要斟酌 正在出有梅罗的情形 下,电望转播权借能买给谁


Imagine Ronaldo came back to United, and City got Messi. Messi vs Ronaldo title race whilst being a derby would honestly be the greatest thing to happen in Premier league history

试念一下,C罗沉回曼联,曼乡获得 了梅西。坦率 道,梅罗争冠对于决必定 会成为英超史上一段美谈


The Manchester derby will become the most watched game ever



Kevin De Bruyne praying so that Messi deal does happen, which will help him bag 50 assists per season

德布逸内祷告 梅西的生意业务 杀青 ,那便能助他真现单赛季50帮攻了


If Lionel Messi actually does go to Man City, then it’ll be a crime if Man United don’t bring Cristiano Ronaldo back.

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